Tag: tryanuary
The Winter Festival at Steam Machine Brewing Co.
by Nick Smith (co-owner of Steam Machine Brewing Co.) Beer Festivals! They can be wonderful places to have exciting conversations, to engage with brewers and other beer enthusiasts, to sample obscure and popular beers alike, and a chance to really immerse yourself in the love of all things beer. Beer festivals take many different formats,…
The Mean Eyed Cat – Emporium of Quality Suds
By Kieran Hancock The last few years have seen an explosion in the availability of great quality beer, independent breweries and innovation in brewing. From sours to stouts and farmhouse to framboise, the beer industry has never been more exciting, and I’m constantly impressed with the quality the local breweries give. To supply these beers…
Tryanuary #TryTemptation
By Myles Lambert Imperial stouts are a style as old as the hills. Been around forever. However, it would be very wrong to believe that the Imperial Stouts we drink today are the same as those available in, say, the 1970s. Many modern breweries have developed the style to be more sweet pastry style stouts…
Tryanuary 2020
Tryanuary is a nationwide campaign, founded in 2015 and run by volunteers, to encourage support for the beer industry throughout January. It’s not in competition with #DryJanuary or #Veganuary, as you can do all three throughout the month (with more low- and no- alcohol beers available than ever before, and most breweries embracing vegan-friendly beers). The…