Tryanuary is a nationwide campaign, founded in 2015 and run by volunteers, to encourage support for the beer industry throughout January. It’s not in competition with #DryJanuary or #Veganuary, as you can do all three throughout the month (with more low- and no- alcohol beers available than ever before, and most breweries embracing vegan-friendly beers).
The campaign also raises money for The Benevolent – a charity set up to provide help and support to current and former employees of the drinks industry and their families.
To join in on social media, just use the #Tryanuary hashtag to help share info on your favourite pubs, breweries, beers, bottle shops and other places you’re supporting this month.
Here at Craft Beer Newcastle, we’re doing something a little different this month, and opening up our blog to anyone wanting to write about North East beer in any way they like. Guest submissions can be as long or as short as you want, and we’ll publish them on here throughout the month. If you’d like to get involved, get in touch!
What’s On?
In terms of North East Tryanuary events, there are already some great things confirmed, from the Friends of Anarchy beer fest at Anarchy Brew Co. on Saturday 25th January, to a pop-up from Cafe Amsterdam at McColl’s Brewery on Friday 31st January.
For a full list of what’s happening across the UK (or to add your own event to the calendar), head over to the Tryanuary events page here.
Get Social
You can keep up to date with what’s happening with the Tryanuary 2020 campaign over on Twitter at @Tryanuary, or check out our Twitter account, where we’ll be sharing all of the North East info:
Competition Time!
We’ll also be doing some giveaways of local beers throughout the month – check our Instagram page for more info:
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